See how fast and easy you can upload, edit, annotate and share your histology findings via e-mail, link or Twitter - all in one app.
Invite colleagues to discuss your pathological findings, keeping full control of access and commenting rights.i
Voloom Tutorials
This tutorial will show you how you can reconstruct a three-dimensional volume from serial histology sections using Voloom.
This tutorial will show you how you can use and work with Voloom by microDimensions.
This tutorial will show you how you can segment and analyze a three-dimensional volume using Voloom.
This tutorial will show you how to separate stainings by color deconvolution using Voloom. This enables you to analyze and quantify brightfield biomarkers just as you would do with fluorescence sections.
This tutorial will show you how to export your reconstructions using Voloom, so they can be used in other programs.
Zoom Tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to visualize and annotate whole slides and other images with the free digital pathology viewer Zoom.
Slidematch Tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to align whole slide and other images at high accuracy and resolution with Slidematch.